The Dai Nippon Butoku Kai International Division will accept qualified candidates of the Japanese traditional Budo trainees for their membership in DNBK ID who wish to pursue and share the nobility and Samurai Butoku virtues in the highest form and spirit. Please bear in mind that DNBK is not a sport oriented Budo society organization but stresses on the classical traditions and heritage of Budo and Bujutsu field. Thus, the philosophical tenets are based on the traditional values and attitude of Bushido principles such as Rei, Setsu (courtesy, respect) virtues.
Those who wish to become a member of DNBK International Division must contact us directly with the following information required to be considered for a valid general membership. Please bear in mind that DNBK ID has official guideline for membership approval.
Send the following information to the official email address indicated below.
- Concise Vita, including Name, DOB, residing country, and Budo major career
- Concise essay on philosophy of Budo, including the reasons for applying the DNBK membership
- Copy of the last diploma received and indicate the authentic Budo organization name and its information
The office of DNBK ID will notify you further protocol matter after examining the materials sent. Potential candidate will be notified promptly when the decision is made.
If you so desire, please contact any of the official representatives listed in appropriate region. They are the legitimate officials appointed by the authority of the International Division and the Honbu of DNBK in Kyoto Japan.
As a general policy, verification of the above information will be necessary before the approval of general membership. Paper documentation may not be sufficient for consideration, and thus official interviewing by the appropriate official may be required. General membership is a necessary initiation step toward a certified membership (rank and or title holder) of DNBK. General member is still a non-certified member. To be certified in DNBK, a formal examination process must be conducted by designated officials, a designated official representative, dojo heads, and or DNBK ID Kenshoin.
High ranking certification requires the official testing procedure sanctioned by Honbu officials.
Map of DNBK ID locations - click a continent to zoom in.
Please write to Headquarters, DNBK ID Office for further information.
Updated November, 2024
The Dai Nippon Butoku Kai, International Division
© Copyright 2004-2025 DNBK - All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be copied, reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise, without written permission from Honbu Dai Nippon Butoku Kai, USA and International Division